All Soul’s Day

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.

1 John 1:9 KJV

Everyday can be a day of prayer and remembering our loved ones that are no longer with us physically. National all souls day is a day when those who practice a specific religion such as Roman Catholic or Christianity, pray for the dearly departed. Specifically for those who past unexpectedly, by suicide or past in a violent manner. This is not a day dedicated to one religion, those who do not practice religion but  have family or friends who have passed on participate in All Souls day to honor and remember them and what they meant to us during the time that was spent together. There are many ways that we can  keep our loved ones legacy alive. Candlelight vigils- lighting a white candle to symbolize the purest white light blessing and light the path for all souls to their eternal peace. Incorporating candlelight vigil is optional as creating an alter with any items that remind us of our loved one. These items can be anything such as a photo of them or a personal item of theirs. Planning and preparing a favorite meal or drink. Playing music or participating in activities they enjoyed  while alive. If it is not possible to gather in a group for whatever reason some choose to utilize social media as a  way to gather by video chats.

(all in agreement with this prayer and only positive intentions for all souls)

Merciful Father 

I call on our angels & guides to surround us with your love and protection . 

We come before you now with  pure intentions & pray for mercy and everlasting peace over all departed souls. As we lift up our loved ones We pray for (state names of dearly departed aloud or silently) be in eternal peace. Lord hear our prayers.

We pray for the forgiveness of all sins of all souls. We ask that they may rest from their labors, for their good deeds go with them. Merciful father answer our prayers

Bless all who mourn and pray for the dearly departed with love, peace and acceptance. 

We give you thanks and praise for answered prayers 


Author: ksthoughts19

Dreamworker, encouraging & guiding others as they heal physically, spiritually and emotionally. Since childhood I have had a strong interest in writing. I have incorporated dreamwork and journaling as part of my own spiritual and emotional healing. Being able to resonate with others who have similar experiences lead me to share my experiences and thoughts with the intentions of encouragement and support for those guided to this site. Love blessings and protection to all.

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